
Some of this content has been sponsored. Don't worry, it's still good reading!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

No Place Like Home

This morning it was such a relief to jump on the couch with everyone for a morning cartoon. When I think about last Saturday, which we spent the majority of hurtling through space on airplanes, I really believe there is no place better than home! I love to travel but this morning was just so great. There was a touch of coolness in the air, too, which reminded me that winter comes even to Houston (eventually, and for not as long, thank you.)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dominick Dunne

Dominick Dunne passed away yesterday, and I can't believe how sad I am. He really touched my life, from A Season in Purgatory to The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. He was a writer of such power and insight, with a real love of language. I only wish he had been more prolific when writing books, as each one is such a treasure and they number so few. If he could read this blog I know he would laugh when I write this - "May flights of angels sing you to your rest."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Rain and More Rain

The rain has followed me from Massachusetts. Rain in Houston is nothing to laugh about. I always enjoyed rainy days back home, but it is almost terrifying here. The roads flood within minutes and people begin pulling into parking lots and up onto traffic islands! I have not ever had a bad experience driving in the rain, but there's something about seeing that water rising that scares me. Mostly it just slows us down and snarls the traffic, something that Houston doesn't really need. Oh, well. It's still better than snow!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ear Infection

Does anyone know what a double ear infection is? And no, it's not an infection in both ears. It's actually possible to have a double ear infection in both ears. Odd. I have to wonder if it came on due to the airplane ride(s).
Weather here is pretty good, hurricanes are brewing back home - interesting!!
Good to be back

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back Home

Back from Massachusetts. It's nice to be home but we had such a great time! Swimming, having picnics, visiting family and friends. Now we're back and SOOO tired - we had to catch a 6 a.m. flight which had us up at four - really three a.m. for us Southern girls. Now its five o'clock and feels like midnight. Once again, great flights - my flying karma must be running high. I did find one of those search tags from the TSA in my luggage though - I wonder what intrigued them, the stuffed animals, the dolls, or the seventeen books about fairies and teddy bears? Oh, well, safety first, right?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Here we are in Massachusetts! Made it through Newark, the airport of despair, and now we have been enjoying fine weather, fine dining (Pop's Pizza), good friends and lots of fun. I wondered if I would find the weather too cool after Texas but it has been around eighty degrees so we've been handling it. The flights were remarkably smooth, I hope our return trip goes as well. I love to travel, even flying, so it has to be pretty bad to bother me. Hopefully Hurricane Bill will hold off until we are safely home, or spin out and dwindle over the Atlantic.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Time for us to Fly!

Headed out to Massachusetts on Tuesday. Apparently they have had a terrible summer - rain, rain, rain. I hope the weather holds out for our flight. The first hurricane of the season is forming as we speak, supposedly making the Gulf Monday or Tuesday. Keeping our fingers crossed on that one. Although I have taken off from Houston in a "hurricane" (not Ike, of course), only to be left circling Bradley for two hours due to a little rain. Wimps! :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Exciting News!

I saw the doctor today and my broken nose will not require any surgery - what a relief. Still hurts, though. But that's not the good news! The exciting news is that Associated Content has published four of my articles - and now they are sending me specific requests. How exciting is that? I love to write, it is really something I enjoy doing, especially research projects, and now someone wants to pay me for my hobby!! That is one of the reasons I enjoy being a lawyer so much - all the researching and writing. This has been such a great day!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Endless Waiting

Did you ever notice how slowly time moves when you are waiting for something? Sort of like when you were a child waiting for Christmas to come? I feel like months have passed as I wait to hear back on my job applications when it reality it has only been a few days. Sigh. And my nose still hurts!
Going home next week - one week from today I'll be having a glass of wine with my best friend Michelle. Can't wait!

Monday, August 10, 2009

More Nose

Did I mention my nose hurts? It really, really hurts. Work was an interesting experience today. I guess people aren't used to seeing an attorney with a broken nose. I had a steady stream of visitors with endless questions. Even the break room was an experience (hard to get a cup of coffee quietly with a big, bruised nose. Especially when you are normally as cute as I am :) )

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Broken Nose

For those of you who have never had a broken nose, let me tell you how painful it is. In fact, I had a serious burn on my arm a few weeks ago and that was a walk in the park compared to this. Ow, ow, ow! I fell into our wall stove and hit the handle with my face - you wouldn't believe how much blood there was! Went to the ER and they were really great. Next I have to see an ENT doctor but not until the swelling goes down (2-3) days. It's amazing how completely not worried I am about silly little things like job interviews, etc., after a day like today.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today is our wedding anniversary - ten years! Seventeen total. How time flies.
Had an "invitation to apply" from a company in Wisconsin. What the hey, I applied. You never know, right? Also got an email from an old friend in Vermont - possible lead there as well.
The next round of layoffs is starting in Massachusetts - I feel a lot of anxiety for friends there. You can't work somewhere for fourteen years and not have compassion for the people there. At least I'm employedl, quite happily, while I job hunt. It's like a hobby, not a job.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Job Searching and cold weather

Does anyone else find the job search leads to some very odd dreams, including bizarre encounters with former bosses and co-workers? I'm beginning to think the search is not worth the stress. Besides, hurricane season is almost over...
One of the things I really love about Texas is that even though I know it gets cold here, I can't remember it. It's not like New England, where the cold lingers so long that you are reminded of C.S. Lewis, "Always winter and never Christmas."

Monday, August 3, 2009

Job Search

Searching for a job 1800 miles away has become a real chore for me. It's not that I don't enjoy Texas, but I miss my friends and family, and want my child to grow up around her family as well. Watching Law & Order last night, my husband and I agreed we don't miss the cold (although the first snow is always exciting), but there's something to be said for no hurricanes, either. Monster.com has been a real surprise, though, with some opportunities I would not have expected from a site like that. So far the Ladder has not offered anything new, but I remain hopeful.